Surfers Against Sewage

Registered Charity Number 1145877
Surfers Against Sewage started 30 years ago; a group of water lovers fighting back to clean up the sea so we could stop getting sick. As we campaigned we started getting wiser about the full scope of pollution, waste, destruction and rising temperatures damaging the ocean that so many of us love and that we all rely on.
We realised it wasn’t just people getting sick from ocean pollution. It was the planet as well. That for people to thrive and live life to the fullest, the ocean has to thrive too. So we started rising up on more issues, bringing together more people and using our collective power to drive change. Plastic. Ocean Recovery. The Climate Emergency. And Water Quality. By building and connecting communities motivated to make a difference, we gather the evidence and give voice to the issues that hold leaders to account.
From the beachfront to the frontbench, pavements to the hilltops, we’re creating inspired, motivated Ocean Activists everywhere, each one of us committed to the exact same thing. Protecting the ocean and all it makes possible.
A lot has changed in the last three decades. But we’re still a group of water lovers, fighting back, to clean up the sea. It’s just now there are more of us, with more corners to fight.
Today we are more than surfers. It’s about more than sewage. We’re here because of the ocean. Let’s fight for it.
Photos for sharing with credit here.