Big Change

Registered Charity Number 1145224
Big Change wants to see a society where every young person is set up to thrive in life, not just exams. Based in the UK, Big Change acts as a catalyst to transform education and learning, working at the grassroots and grasstops - locally, nationally and globally.
In the UK we focus on two areas of work: The Big Education Challenge - a £1m prize fund to support and reward leaders with bold ideas that have the potential to transform education and learning, and the Big Education Conversation, which supports inclusive conversations about the purpose of education so it can change for the future.
Globally, we share insights and convene leaders who are focused on transforming education systems through shifts in their local context.
Over the last 10 years, Big Change has supported over 45 projects, which have collectively impacted the lives of nearly 8 million young people and 200,000 teachers and adults.
These projects have gone on to receive £60m in funding from government and established institutions to deliver their programmes across the UK.

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More about Big Change
- At the current rate, it will take 500 years to close the attainment gap for poorer pupils, who are an average of 18 months behind their wealthier peers. [The Education Policy Institute]
- 87% of parents, young people, teachers and employers agree that it is time to rethink the purpose of education and change the system for the better. [Big Change]