Panathlon Foundation

Registered Charity Number 1072638
Providing Mini-Paralympic sporting competitions for children with disabilities and special educational needs.
Panathlon provide 750 multi-sport events, coaching days and training courses for young leaders each year. Panathlon deliver a competitive pathway of local competitions, county wide finals and national finals in iconic locations such as Stoke Mandeville and the Olympic Park.
Recent independent research highlighted that Panathlon is boosting the self-esteem, confidence, expectations, ambition and social and physical skills of children with disabilities and Special Educational Needs.
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More about Panathlon
The Panathlon Challenge has for 25 years been providing sporting opportunities to over 20,000 children with disabilities and special educational needs.
We aim to expand to the rest of the U.K. over the next few years but the recent impact of Coronavirus has seen a reduction of funding for many charities including our own.
We need your help to be able to support families like this- “Until Panathlon came along, neither us as parents, or the school realised, what disabled children could do. Panathlon opened our eyes.” Rebecca Lock, Parent.
Panathlon work with over 1,300 schools and provide sporting activities for children in primary, secondary and special schools. This includes multi-sports events and a national swimming programme including separate competitions for deaf and visually impaired children.
81% of schools said Panathlon had enabled their children’s first ever experience of competitive sport. Panathlon need funding for specialist sports equipment and to provide medals and trophies for tens of thousands young people across the country.